Thursday, September 15, 2011


The funeral of Noland Fontaine, Sr., who died late Saturday after a long illness, was held from his residence, 680 Adams avenue, at 3 o’clock Monday afternoon.

Following were the pallbearers: Active: Gibson Radcliffe, B.L. Mallory, B.G. Lee, Martin Speed, Fontaine Martin, K.D. McKellar, W.P. Brown, C.W. Metcalf, Jr., S.W. Portlock, J.M. Scruggs. Honorary: J.E. Beasley, R.A. Speed, S.P. Read, W.R. Mallory, H.M. Neely, Hunsdon Cary, W.J. Crawford, J.M. Fowlkes, J.S. Douscomb, F.F. Hill, C.B. Brooks, J.F. Holst, J.F. Hunter, J.A. Omberg, Peter Tracy, S.A. Pepper, H.L. Buckingham, R.E. Lee, R.W. Upshaw, A.H. HilJoblin, O.H. P. Piper, R. H. Vance, W.D. Wilkerson, John Phillips.

The following gentlemen have been appointed by the Hernando Insurance company: O.R. Polk, John R. Pepper, F.M. Norfleet and Paul Dillard.

Mr. Fontaine was 72 years old and left his widow, Mrs. Virginia Fontaine, four daughters Mrs. William W. Taylor, Mrs. W. Louis Meacham, of Memphis/ Mrs. William B. Carlisle, of Chicago and Mrs. R.T. Clarkson, of Little Rock, and three sons, Noland Fontaine, Jr., Edward and Elliott Hill Fontaine, of Memphis.

He was born July 6, 1840, in Terre Haute, Indiana, and came to Memphis from Louisville in 1861 at the age of 21 years. He soon became a member of the firm Williamson, Hill & Co., one of the first big wholesale grocery and cotton firms established in Memphis. Later the name was changed to Hill, Fontaine & Co. Napolean Hill, who died two years ago, being a member.

Three years after he became a resident of Memphis Mr. Fontaine married Miss Virginia Eanes.

At the time of his death Mr. Fontaine was a director of the First National bank, the Union and Planter’s Bank and Trust company, Merchants Compress and Storage company, and the Hernando insurance company, and heavily interested in many other business enterprises in Memphis and the South.

Board of directors of the Union and Planter’s Bank and Trust company met in special session Monday morning to take action in regard to the death of Mr. Noland Fontaine, who had, for many years been closely identified with the success of this institution, as one of it’s directors.

A handsome floral tribute was sent, and the following member of the board were selected as honorary pall bearers: G.T. Fitzburgh, F.M. Norfleet, J.M. Dockery, W.C. Early, Harry Cohn, R.L. Jones.

A committee, consisting of F.M. Norfleet, John R. Pepper and J.M. Dockery was appointed to draft appropriate resolutions in memory of Mr. Fontaine.

In addition to the honorary pall-bearers, practically all of the directors attended the funeral services in a body.

Press Semitar
September 16, 1912

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