Sunday, October 2, 2011

Afternoons in the WF: Scary Dolls

I have friends that are afraid of spiders, clowns, and the dark.  I'm fine with all three of those fears.  I tell you, however, dolls are my absolute worst "creepy" fear.  I've never liked them...the eyes spook me.  Maybe, when younger, I watched one too many horror movies about puppets or dolls coming to life?  Whatever the case, I always feel like they're watching's an unusual feeling...uneasy, to say the least. 

During my afternoon walk through the mansion, I try not to look at the bisque and porcelain dolls in the Rose bedroom or nursery.  Today, I was feeling rather brave and determined to get some, I went in like a lion...snapped a few...and immediately ran out.  After seeing them in digital form, I was a little disappointed in what I had, so I altered to colors to appear how I saw them this afternoon! 

It's all a bit of harmless "Halloween" fun, though.  We do have several dolls in our collection, usually bringing them out during  our Victorian Yuletide exhibition.  Most of them are very rare and are very valuable, despite their wicked eyes!  They range from bisque to porcelain to china...even a cloth doll from the early 1800's!  I'll try to get a few more pics in, if I can muster the courage.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I stumbled upon your page while looking for info on a doll my mom bought for me many years ago. I never cared for it so she has always kept it. Now we are both every interested to learn more about her. I do have a pic, although as I read your posts I came across the pics here and was stunned at how closely these dolls resemble the one we have. How much are they worth? Are there any markings I should look for? Honestly, any info you can share would be awesome! We would really love to know everything about her! Thanks!
