Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter bunny smiles and puppy dog kisses...

Saturday, March 31st marked the fourth annual egg hunt at the WF!  Mr. Bunny was on hand for photo ops and puppies galore were on hand eagerly awaiting belly rubs and ear scratches.  The weather couldn't have been more beatiful for all the fun crafts and games that were planned.  Empty baskets left full along with lots of happy smiles.  Below are a few pictures from that sun-shiney morning!

President of APTA Memphis Chapter, Mrs. Peggy Lovell and Mr. Bunny (who is a close personal friend of Dr. Lovell...and approves this picture)
APTA board member, Mrs. Karen Ralston and Mr. Bunny.  Mrs. Ralston is also our textiles director and volunteers each year for the egg hunt.

 Many happy faces posing with Mr. Bunny.  Fun and games ensued after photo ops with lots of mommies and daddies in tow.

 APTA board treasurers, Mrs. Pera and Mrs. Fite setting up mid-morning snacks under the wisteria arbor.
 Puppies, puppies, puppies...among the laughter of children the YAPPING of excited puppies!

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