Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning

It was usually around this time of the year that the Victorians usually ordered "Spring Cleaning".  It was a large undertaking that lasted weeks for the inside staff of servants.  One of the first orders of business would be to collect all of the rugs throughout the house and "beat" or clean them.  A rug beater, made of woven reeds of wicker to resemble a paddle, would be used to accomplish the same results as the modern vacuum cleaner.  The rug would be taken outside and laid over a line or an upstairs rail...then beat until the rug was free of dust and debris.  The rugs would then be rolled or folded and stored for the summer.  All surfaces were cleaned and polished one last time before the oppressive summer heat invaded the home.

One can only imagine what it would be like to endure the sweltering heat and thick humidity of summers here in Memphis without air conditioning.  Some of us simply could not tolerate it, but early Memphians did what they could to transition the home from season to season.  In the summertime, anything that absorbed heat was removed from the house.  Not only were the rugs removed, but heavy drapery.  Light mats were used to protect the floors, usually canvas or woven reed.  Lace sheers were hung in windows for (moderate) privacy but, allowed for the breeze to pass through the opened window.  When removing heavy items from the house, the furniture was often slip covered with light colored muslin or canvas to protect the upholstery and to make the home seem cooler.  All the heavy decorations around the room were swapped with lighter ones.  Silver, crystal, metals, and mirrors were often wrapped in sheer netting to protect from water spots left by insects.  Often all chandeliers were wrapped for the summer, as most were candle burning or gas burning.  Light sources were kept to a minimum, lamps used only at night or on the relieving rainy days. 

We have already accomplished our spring cleaning at WF, still there are a few loose ends to tend to before our summer exhibition launches.  "Southern Summers" will be in full swing for guests officially on June 10th.  Don't be surprised if you come in for a visit and find one or more of us detailing for summer.  Though, we're always looking for an excuse to escape the early heat and humidity to share our stories and the history of our beloved WF over some refreshing iced tea!!!

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